Friday, January 29, 2010

Favorite Cabot House Stain Colors Teen Books For The More... Mature Teen?

Teen Books for the more... mature teen? - favorite cabot house stain colors

Alrighty, I'm 16 years old and I'm sick, mentally and physically, Barnes & Noble when I go and sift out the Teen Section only, "HOMG, my best friend had my friend?" And "How do I get my crush to go to prom with me?"? 111 "books (IT girls, uh ... Gossip Girl, things Meg Cabot)

Infact, I am the girl characters in general tired. But this is not the problem.

What happens is normal, adult fiction is not my style to. I read not a single woman of middle age, past life or something like that, either (no offense, whoever reads this: \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\)

So far, my favorite books on "Water for the elephants (my favorite of all time), House of Leaves.

Therefore, knowing the answer yahoo-Ing, can someone tell me the good books perferably with 14-25 years, the main characters who have little or no romance, perferably with a male main character?

Ah .. I began to wander, that ...


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